

Why is branding important?

We strongly believe that everything in a business starts with the right branding. It helps build a strong foundation of who you are as a company and where you want to go. Staying consistent in a world of clutter out there is an essential part of success.

Ocean State Credit Union

After more than 60 years, a well known credit union in Rhode Island wanted to change their name. They hired our team to help get the job done. This was a big year-long project. The task at hand was to make sure all current customers and potential new ones were made aware of this significant change. It involved our whole team and started with the design of a new logo which was used as the foundation and applied to everything else from collateral, direct mail pieces, videos, signage and digital media ads.

RI Department of Education

The Rhode Island Department of Education has many layers to it. In 2023, they contracted our team to create an identity to promote a Back-to-School and Attendance Matters campaign. These efforts were executed to help raise awareness, among parents, community leaders and students, and combat chronic absenteeism in RI schools. Our action items included creating a logo, collateral, videos, radio, billboards, and more. We then helped strategize and place the media to support it.


What do you do when you are getting ready to celebrate the 250th anniversary of our nation? You hire DDL Advertising to bring the celebration to life! The Rhode Island Semiquincentennial 250th Commission (RI 250th Commission) selected our team to celebrate this milestone. We helped create the brand identity of the 250th anniversary to encourage civic pride, economic development, and sharing our state’s history through organizing and participating in activities marking Rhode Island’s role in the American Revolution.

Bow Wow LABS

The international company, Bow Wow Labs, was looking for ways to expand on their brand and acquire more repeat customer business. We had the perfect answer, a loyalty program. Embarking (no pun intended) on this new adventure was very rewarding. The DDL team coined the phrase Bow Wow Bucks and helped create and launch this program for the BWL team. It was all paws on deck for this one. The roll out was super successful and the loyalty program has been exceeding expectations since. 

Face Fairies

They deliver concierge beauty services; we delivered everything they needed to bring it to life.  Our team helped create the this local start up’s whole identity. We strategically designed their logo, tag lines, website copy, and color palettes to give off a certain vibe and to reach a specific audience. And just like they make you look good, we certainly made them look good (no needles required).

RI Lottery - Holiday

It is safe to say most Rhode Islander’s are familiar with the RI Lottery brand since its have been a staple in the state for more than 50 years. We were tasked to create a specific campaign to promote their Holiday Instant tickets. Our team hashed out ideas with the Lottery’s team and we decided to use a well known social media influencer, Ian Brownhill, to bring the idea to life. DDL went to work and we had a lot of fun with this one. We managed all the creative aspects, including video production, and even placed the media to support this campaign.

Bella Cattle

DDL Advertising was on the move for this project. Nestled in Hartsville, TN, we took a trip down to their idyllic, rolling hills to capture footage of their prized Wagyu cattle to help set this new company up for success. Creating the brand identity from Bella Cattle’s logo to overall look and feel was super meaningful to our team. We really enjoyed this project and did a lot of eating along the way.


Longplex is the perfect example of how versatile our agency is. Over the last decade, we literally helped build this brand from the ground up. DDL has been there every step of the way. It has been a privilege and fun challenge to coordinate this company’s many facets. From Longplex, to LP Gear, LP Fitness to what has become one of RI’s most popular restaurants, Sports Kitchen. DDL has been there every step of the way. It has been a privilege and fun challenge to coordinate this company’s many facets.

Sardelli and Hutchinson

This is a client in the financial and consulting industry that means serious business. They chose DDL to help create their brand identity. It was a simple task. Sleek. Simple. Professional. Its what they were after. We gave them basic, yet foundational assets to market and position themselves as leading financial planners in the market and to set them up for success.

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Your Brand?

Our Approach

Why Choose DDL?

Strategic Brand Positioning

DDL Advertising excels in understanding market dynamics and consumer behavior, enabling us  to strategically position your brand effectively. By conducting thorough market research and competitor analysis, we can identify unique selling propositions and craft compelling brand messages that resonate with your target audience.

Creative Excellence

DDL Advertising boasts a team of seasoned creatives who are adept at translating brand values into captivating visual identities and compelling narratives. Whether it's designing logos, creating multimedia campaigns, or developing engaging content, their creative prowess ensures that your brand stands out amidst the clutter, leaving a lasting impression on consumers.

Integrated Marketing Approach

DDL Advertising takes a holistic approach to branding, integrating various marketing channels seamlessly to maximize brand exposure and engagement. From traditional advertising mediums like print and television to digital platforms such as social media and search engines, we leverage a diverse array of channels to create a cohesive brand presence across multiple touchpoints, fostering brand loyalty and recognition.

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Loved our branding? Check out some logos next!