Search Engine Optimization


What is it?

Search engine optimization:

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) in order to drive organic (non-paid) traffic to the site. 

This involves optimizing various elements of the website and it’s online presence, including content, structure, and HTML code, as well as it’s references across the web, to make it more attractive to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

SEO can be deep, confusing, and always changing, not unlike most of the digital marketing world. But that doesn’t mean we can’t conquer the challenge and get it done.

SEO is usually broken up into three or four categories:


Optimizing individual pages of the website for target keywords, including optimizing meta titles, descriptions, headings, and content.


Building backlinks from other reputable websites to improve the site's authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.


Ensuring that the website is technically sound and accessible to search engine crawlers, including improving site speed, fixing broken links, and optimizing URL structure.


Optimizing the website for local searches, including creating and optimizing Google My Business listings, local citations, and reviews.

The main goal of your SEO efforts should be to adhere to Google’s SEO acronym:




Experience refers to the practical knowledge or skill that content creators have in their particular field or topic. Google values content created by individuals with firsthand experience because it's likely to be more relatable and insightful.
Expertise indicates the depth of knowledge the content creator has on the subject matter. It's essential for topics that require technical understanding or specialized skills. Content should demonstrate a high level of proficiency to be considered of high quality.




Authoritativeness assesses the credibility and recognition of the content creator and the website within their field. Authority is built through endorsements, citations, and references from other authoritative sources in the same or related fields (backlinks).




Trustworthiness, the final letter, can be considered the end-all-be-all for all the other letters in our acronym. It considers everything we’ve talked about so far today, as well as a bunch more factors not mentioned in the acroynm. from our two Es. It refers to your website’s reputation within your industry and niche. This is where the common term “backlinks” is considered.

Contact Us

Ready to Optimize? Link Build? Be Visible?

Our Approach

DDL's SEO Process

1. Site Audit

Audit the current climate of your website's authority score, site heath, rankings, backlink profile, etc.

2. Competitive Analysis

Reviewing topically & locally (if applicable) relevant competitors sites and measure them up to yours.

3. Discovery & Planning

Use the data we found from the audit & competitive analysis to discover opportunities & start building a plan.

4. Technical Improvements

Improve site health in the backend - error fixes, crawlability, structured data, load time, etc.

5. On-page Optimization

Choose primary targets for your domain & pages. Optimize pages using our topical relevance model.

6. Off-Page Cleanup

Attempt to remove any backlinks that could be negatively affecting your backlink profile.

7. Page Backlinking

Begin multi-strategy backlinking efforts in hopes to build domain authority.

8. Maintenance & More

This is just the beginning. SEO needs constant maintenance & more work needs to be done...

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