Display Advertising


What is it?

Display advertising serves as a pivotal component of digital marketing, enabling businesses to visually engage with their target audience across a wide array of online environments. This form of advertising harnesses the power of web banners, rich media, and interactive ads displayed on websites, online platforms, and apps. These visual advertisements are designed to capture the attention of potential customers, seamlessly integrating into their online experience. Utilizing advanced targeting techniques and programmatic buying, display ads are strategically placed to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that the message is delivered to the most relevant audience. The effectiveness of display advertising is further enhanced by its ability to support various marketing objectives, from building brand awareness and affinity to driving website traffic and conversions. With comprehensive analytics, advertisers can track performance, optimize campaigns, and achieve a significant return on investment, making display advertising a crucial strategy in the digital marketing landscape.

DDL Display Capabilities

Audience & Behavioral Targeting

Audience and behavioral targeting are key strategies in digital advertising, aimed at improving ad relevance and efficiency of your ads. These strategies use data to tailor ads to specific users, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

Audience Targeting

Audience Targeting segments the online audience based on demographic details, interests, and predefined criteria. This approach allows advertisers to deliver ads that align with the distinct preferences of different user groups.

Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral Targeting focuses on users’ online actions, including visited websites, viewed products, and search history. It creates a profile of each user’s interests and intent, facilitating the delivery of timely and relevant ads.

Contexual Targeting

Contextual targeting is a digital advertising strategy that places ads based on the content of a webpage, rather than on user behavior or demographics. This approach ensures that the ads displayed are relevant to the content being viewed, increasing the likelihood that they will resonate with the audience. By aligning ads with the context of a page, advertisers can enhance ad effectiveness and user engagement without relying on personal data.

Keyword Contextual Targeting

Keyword Contextual Targeting involves placing ads on pages that contain specific keywords related to the advertiser’s product or service. The three key steps are:

Category Contextual Targeting

Category Contextual Targeting focuses on the broader topic or category of the content rather than specific keywords. The three crucial steps include:

Managed Networks

Managed Networks are managed networks are a series of organized website lists that are each designated to a certain type/demographic of people. DDL Advertising leverages managed networks to deliver targeted advertising, ensuring our clients’ ads reach specific demographics through curated website lists. Here’s the streamlined process:

By leveraging managed networks, we at DDL Advertising provide targeted, efficient ad campaigns that not only reach but engage the intended audience, driving higher conversion rates and maximizing the return on investment for our clients.

GeoFencing & Polygonning

Geofencing and polygonning are both location-based targeting techniques used in digital advertising, but they differ in their approach and precision:


Geofencing involves creating virtual boundaries or fences around a predetermined geographic area, typically using GPS or RFID technology. When users enter or leave these boundaries with their mobile devices, they can be targeted with specific advertisements. This technique is relatively straightforward and is often used for targeting larger, more general areas such as neighborhoods, stores, or event venues. The main characteristics of geofencing include:


Polygonning offers a higher degree of precision by allowing advertisers to draw custom, polygonal shapes to define the targeted area. This method is particularly useful for targeting irregularly shaped areas or for more granular targeting within specific boundaries that do not fit a standard radius. Polygonning’s key features are:

While both methods aim to target users based on location, polygonning provides a more detailed and customizable approach, making it suitable for campaigns requiring high precision. Geofencing, with its broader reach, is effective for more general location-based targeting needs.

At DDL Advertising, we expertly leverage both geofencing and polygonning to meet our clients’ diverse needs, ensuring every campaign is precisely targeted and optimally executed.


In display advertising, geo-targeting allows advertisers to reach users based on their geographical locations. This strategy involves:

Utilizing geo-targeting, DDL Advertising crafts personalized and impactful advertising campaigns, efficiently connecting with and engaging target audiences in key locations, thus driving enhanced results for clients.


Retargeting display ads serve as a strategic approach to re-engage users who have previously interacted with a brand or website, but did not make a purchase or complete a desired action. By leveraging cookies to track these users’ online activities, advertisers can serve them personalized ads across different websites and platforms, effectively reminding them of the brand and encouraging them to return and convert. This targeted method not only increases the efficiency of digital advertising campaigns but also significantly boosts conversion rates by focusing on individuals already interested in the brand’s offerings This approach is divided into two main types:

Site Retargeting

Site retargeting is a targeted digital advertising strategy that reconnects businesses with users who have previously visited their website but didn’t complete a purchase or action. By using cookies to track users’ site interactions, this approach enables the delivery of personalized ads across other websites they visit thereafter. This method capitalizes on the initial interest of potential customers, aiming to draw them back to complete their transaction. It’s an effective technique for boosting conversion rates, as it targets users already familiar with the brand, making them more receptive to the ads. By tailoring ads based on the users’ browsing behavior, site retargeting also enhances the relevancy of the advertising, increasing the likelihood of re-engagement.

Search Retargeting

Search retargeting is a digital advertising tactic aimed at reaching users based on their previous search queries across search engines. This strategy allows advertisers to display relevant ads to individuals who have searched for keywords related to their products or services, even if those users have never visited the advertiser’s website. By tapping into the intent demonstrated by users’ search activities, search retargeting effectively captures potential customers at various stages of the decision-making process, enhancing the likelihood of attracting new visitors and converting interest into action. This method leverages the power of search data to tailor advertising efforts to match the specific interests and needs of the target audience, making it a powerful tool for expanding reach and driving targeted traffic.

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We collaborate with clients across various industries, consistently spearheading impactful campaigns that yield tangible business growth. Our track record of delivering measurable results and our profound comprehension of consumer behavior underscore our expertise in driving successful outcomes for our clients.