DDL Highlight’s: Seasons Corner Market – Summertime Love

We executed getting one of DDL’s favorite clients in the biggest promo of the season, Summer Beach Reports on 92 Pro FM.

It combined a traditional on-air weekly schedule including Seasons Corner Market messaging and liver beach reports with digital exposure. From a custom web Page on www.92profm.com with all Beach Report Information including temperature, forecast, surf index and more! On-Air Promos directed listeners to this page all brought to you by Seasons Corner Market, like displayed here.

DDL_Seasons_Summer Beach Reports_92PROFM

Other digital inclusion incorporated rotating leaderboard or cube ad throughout campaign on 92 PROFM.com, logo inclusion in title header on beach report landing page, E-blast inclusion at the launch of the season, logo inclusion on homepage widget, daily forecast updates on Facebook and Twitter with click-thru to landing page. As well as name mention in daily forecast update on Facebook and Twitter linking to Seasons Facebook page.

The DDL team executed this campaign from start to finish. Making sure Seasons had the right amount of exposure on 92 Pro FM but also digitally and socially as well.  In today’s world covering more than one base is essential to a successful campaign.  


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